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Stake Conference

Iowa City Iowa Stake

Dear Members of the Iowa City Stake, 

With hearts full of gratitude, we invite you to join us for the stake conference of the Iowa City Stake on May 6-7, 2023. Elder Randall K. Bennett, General Authority Seventy and Second Counselor in the North America Central Area Presidency, will preside at the conference. 

Elder Bennett extends three special invitations for this stake conference:

  1. Young Women Class Presidencies and Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Presidencies are invited to attend the Saturday Leadership Meeting from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

  2. High school juniors and seniors are invited to attend the Saturday Evening Session from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

  3. All members are invited to prepare by studying President Nelson’s October 2022 Overcome the World and Find Rest and April 2023 The Answer is Always Jesus Christ talks.

Saturday May 6

Ward and Stake Leadership Meeting - 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. 

All of the following leaders are invited to attend in person at the stake center in Iowa City or attend broadcasts in Fairfield or Ottumwa:

Stake Presidency, High Councilors, Bishoprics, Branch Presidencies, Stake and Ward Executive Secretaries and Clerks, Elders Quorum Presidencies and Secretaries, Stake and Ward Relief Society Presidencies, Stake Young Men Presidency, Stake and Ward Young Women Presidencies, Stake and Ward Sunday School Presidencies, Stake and Ward Primary Presidencies, Ward Mission Leaders (if called), Ward Missionaries, as well as Young Women Class Presidencies and Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Presidencies.  (All presidencies include the secretaries)

Adult Evening Session - 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. 

All stake members and friends 18 and older are invited to attend in-person at the stake center in Iowa City or attend broadcasts in Fairfield or Ottumwa. All high school juniors and seniors are especially invited to attend.  

Sunday May 7

General Session - 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 

All stake members and friends are invited to attend in person at the stake center in Iowa City or attend broadcasts in Fairfield or Ottumwa. 

Translation Available

Spanish and French translation will be available. La traducción al español estará ofrecida en el centro de estaca de Iowa City. Une traduction française sera disponible dans le centre de pieu d’Iowa City pendant la conférence.

Expanded Viewing Access for Those Unable to Attend in Person

We invite you to gather in person for stake conference to the greatest extent possible. However, we are aware of members who for various reasons are unable to attend in person and would not otherwise participate in stake conference. For those members, we wish to expand access to stake conference by providing the broadcast link below. This link will work for all sessions of stake conference: 

Stake Conference Broadcast Link: 

We invite you to prepare your minds and hearts for this special weekend. We know all will be edified by what they hear and feel.  

With love, 

Jaron Wilde
Thad Chamberlain
Doran Christensen
Iowa City Stake Presidency

Iowa City Stake Vision: We center our lives in our Savior Jesus Christ to have enduring joy and eternal life

April 29

Stake Youth Regency Ball

June 25

Rescuing Our Roots