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Priesthood Leadership & Combined Leadership Conferences

Priesthood Leadership Conference (PLC):

  • Begins at 9am. Those who attend the PLC are asked to be in their seats by 8:30.

  • Only bishops, branch presidents and Elder Quorum Presidents are invited to the 9am PLC meeting.

Combined Leadership Conference (CLC)

  • Beings at 10:15. Members who attend the 10:15 meeting are requested to be present and ready to enter the building no later than 9:45 AM.

  • Invited Attendees Include the bishop (or Branch President) and his two counselors, EQ Presidents, YW Presidents, RS Presidents and Primary Presidents.

  • At the conclusion of the PLC, CLC attendees should take their seats as soon as possible.

  • We have been invited to do everything within our power to sit together as a stake. We know this will not work perfectly, but please make a good faith effort to be together. Members of the Iowa City Stake are invited to gather at 9:45 at the pavilion (weather permitting) so we can enter the building/chapel together.

  • Please RSVP and indicate attendance on this Google Sheet whether you will be in attendance or not. Every person should have either a 1 (attending) or a 0 (not attending) next to their name.

This is a special opportunity to learn from an apostle and we look forward to learning and worshipping together.

With love,

The Iowa City Stake Presidency


December 11

Light The World Giving Machines

March 10

Stake Conference